All of us are already engaged in ministry. Together in the Mass, we offer Christ to the Father for the good of ourselves, the Church, and the world. With the presence of God and his grace, we minister to our families and all we meet every moment of our lives. But it is also good to be involved in organized ministries because we can do more together than apart; indeed our parish and our community needs us. For our own continued growth and for all those in need, please consider trying out any of the following ministries.
“Upon all the lay faithful, then, rests the exalted duty of working to assure that each day the divine plan of salvation is further extended to every person, of every era, in every part of the earth.” –St. John Paul II
Liturgical / Mass Ministries
- Holy Communion
- Minister at Mass
- Minister visiting the Homebound
- Lector / Reader
- Porter / Usher
- Acolyte / Altar Server
- Choir / Cantor
- Launderer of Cloths used at Mass
Catechists / Teachers
- Kindergarten-8th Grade (1st Communion)
- High School (Confirmation)
- Adult
- RCIA / Confirmation
- Continuing Formation Groups / Studies
Community Outreach / Activism
- Respect Life Ministry
- Faithful Citizenship
- Food Pantry
Service Groups & Practical Help
- Knights of Columbus
- Office Help
- Building & Grounds Help
Consolation & Healing
- Martha’s Ministry
- Healing Ministry
- Intercessory Prayer Group
- Grief / Bereavement Ministry
Social Groups
- Knights of Columbus
- Martha’s Ministry
Until we have time to add the descriptions and contacts for each ministry, please use the following document and contact the office. Thank you!